August 23, 2023
MBA Life

NUS MBA’s P&Q 2023 MBAs To Watch

Heartiest congratulations to Remy and Steve from the Class of 2023 who have made it to the Poets & Quants’ 2023 MBAs To Watch list!

Learn more about them in the article below, and check out the full list here.

Remy Tran

“Charismatic extrovert with a natural leadership style; a multilingual, sporty, sociable, curious, witty, and bubbly character.”

Hometown: Paris, France

Fun fact about yourself: I can bake all sorts of things even with a hand mixer on a chair and a non-functioning oven.

Undergraduate School and Degree: Ecole Centrale de Marseille (Master’s Degree – French Grandes Ecoles) / Cranfield University (MSc Aerospace Vehicle Design)

Where was the last place you worked before enrolling in business school?

Kopter Group AG (Zurich, Switzerland) – Project Manager / Avionics System Engineer

Community Work and Leadership Roles in Business School:

  • 39th NUS MBA Student Council Sports & Wellness Club President
  • 40th NUS MBA Student Council Club Advisor
  • NUS MBA Achiever Scholarship Awardee
  • Paul Yap Outstanding Contributor Award Nominee
  • The NUS MBA Alumni Leadership Award Nominee

Which academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of during business school?

One of my proudest achievements during business school was leading the NUS MBA Sports & Wellness Club to victory in the MBA Olympics (yearly sports competition among all the business schools in Singapore). As the president and team captain, I organised internal selections with my core team of seven students, built a cohesive team of athletes through regular communication, and shared activities with them, and helped the team adapt to COVID restrictions to ensure we were ready for the competition. The challenge of bringing the trophy back to our school after a few years and being personally tasked by the Vice Dean added to the pressure, but the collective effort paid off with a win in the overall ranking. I also contributed to the win myself by earning a gold medal in table tennis. This experience taught me valuable leadership skills, such as people management and adaptability, and demonstrated my potential as a leader.

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career?

One of my proudest achievements in my professional career was contributing to the design of the AW-09 helicopter model while working as an aerospace engineer in Switzerland. Besides getting the opportunity to work for my dream company, Boeing, in the UK, my role in the development and launch of this new product was a significant accomplishment that required collaboration and technical expertise. Additionally, my experience working across multiple countries, including France, UK, Switzerland, and now Singapore, has given me valuable skills in adaptability and cross-cultural communication. Overall, I am proud of the impact that I have made in the aerospace industry and the opportunity to work with some of the best companies in the field.

Why did you choose the NUS and the NUS MBA programme?

 I chose NUS Business School for several reasons. Firstly, the school has an excellent reputation in Asia, which was important to me as I was seeking a new challenge in the region after spending almost 30 years in Europe. I wanted to expand my horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the business landscape in Asia, and NUS was the perfect place to do so.

Additionally, I was drawn to Singapore as a location because of a trip I took in 2017, during which I was deeply impressed by the country and its culture. As someone of Teochew descent who was born in France, I felt that going back to Asia was a natural move to explore my roots and gain a greater appreciation for my family history. It was also a way to bring closure to my family’s experience of leaving Asia nearly 40 years ago due to civil wars.

Finally, I was impressed by NUS Business School’s focus on innovation and sustainability, and its global perspective. I was excited about the opportunity to learn from a diverse and talented group of students and faculty, and to gain new skills and knowledge that would help me make a positive impact in the business world.

Overall, I believe that NUS Business School is the ideal place for me to pursue my goals and aspirations, and I am confident that my experience here has been transformative and meaningful.

What is the biggest myth about your school?

One of the biggest myths about the NUS MBA is that it only attracts students with a strong business background, but in reality, the NUS MBA programme welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those with non-business degrees, and provides opportunities for students to develop their business acumen and skillset. This diversity of perspectives and experiences enrich the learning experience and provide opportunities for networking and collaboration with individuals from different industries and backgrounds.

What surprised you the most about business school?

What surprised me the most about NUS Business School was the absence of a formal dress code. Before starting my MBA, I had assumed that students would be expected to dress in business attire every day, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that this was not the case. In fact, many students wore casual clothing like shorts and T-shirts as Singapore only has 2 seasons: Hot or… RAIN! Even the Dean of the school could be seen wearing a polo shirt and shorts while walking around campus. I appreciated this relaxed atmosphere, as it made it easier to focus on academics and networking without feeling the pressure to always look a certain way.

Looking back over your MBA experience, what is the one thing you’d do differently and why?

 Looking back over my MBA experience, the one thing I would do differently is to defer my start date by a year so that I could fully take advantage of everything the programme has to offer. Although the programme was insightful and rewarding, the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly impacted the full experience of an MBA. I missed out on opportunities such as the Global Immersion Programme – an international student-led study trip – due to pandemic-related travel restrictions, which would have given me an unparalleled exposure to different markets and cultures. Additionally, the online learning format had limitations and prevented me from having the same level of interaction and networking opportunities as in-person classes. With the global job market also being affected by the pandemic, a one-year deferral could have given me a better chance to secure more favorable job opportunities after graduation. Overall though, I’m grateful for the experience.

“Remy stood out among his peers with his excellent social skills. An avid sportsperson, he led the Sports club to a trophy for the school. I was also struck by his multi-faceted personality—a tech person who is interested in building a career in Finance, and has a strong interest in sports. He has been involved in multiple roles as an MBA student and I am confident that he will continue his strong engagement with the NUS MBA community as he achieves professional milestones.” – Prof Nitin Nitin Pangarkar, Academic Director of the NUS MBA

Steve Alexander Prawiromaruto

“Tech strategist and enthusiast. Passionate advocate of having a growth mindset and servant leadership qualities.”

Hometown: Jakarta, Indonesia

Fun fact about yourself: I ran my own podcast during the Covid-19 pandemic called “Project M” which focuses on the topic of healthy masculinity.

Undergraduate School and Degree: American University, Bachelor of Arts in International Studies

Where was the last place you worked before enrolling in business school?

GoJek, Ad & Promotion Solutions, Senior Manager

Community Work and Leadership Roles in Business School: President of the NUS MBA Technology Club

Which academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of during business school?

I would consider my tenure as NUS MBA Technology Club president to be one of my proudest achievements during my MBA.

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career?

It would be driving the adoption of GoJek’s self-serve merchant platform, GoBiz, by our enterprise partners (e.g. McDonald’s, KFC) by almost twenty-fold, coordinating key product developments to make our product more enterprise-ready and establishing precious relationships along the way.

Why did you choose the NUS and the NUS MBA programme?

I chose NUS mainly because of its Asia focus as I know for sure that I want to settle and do business here in Asia in the long-term. The few alumni I talked to also gave amazing stories on their experience which really resonated with me as well.

What is the biggest myth about your school?

Many people would probably have the perception that NUS is all about academics. Personally, I find our faculty and Programmes Office have done a great job in making sure our lives are not just dominated by trying to get the best grades, but also made sure we have time to explore opportunities outside the classroom for a holistic learning experience.

What surprised you the most about business school?

How we were still able to develop such close friendships. In general, establishing close friendships gets harder as you get older and I would have thought the relationships I would have with my classmates in an MBA, where everyone is older and more experienced, would be more professional in nature. To my surprise, I managed to start and nurture some very meaningful close friendships, and they are ones that I will keep for the rest of my life.

Looking back over your MBA experience, what is the one thing you’d do differently and why?

My second semester was extremely hectic as I was doing six different things at one time – classes, a part-time internship, applying for a summer internship, leading the Technology Club, a part-time job as a teaching assistant and then also doing a case competition (“social life” is just squeezed in here and there whenever possible). While I would say all these things did add value, I also felt that I was also partly just being busy for the sake of it as if that is the mark of a successful MBA student. Busier does not always mean more productive, and I wished I had better prioritised my commitments instead of trying to just portray a certain image.

“Steve was one of the most enthusiastic participants of the cohort. In my class, he often made thoughtful comments. His varied activities are indicative of his eclectic interests as well his high energy. He is well-liked and respected by his peers. I am confident that he will shine in his professional life, enhancing the reputation of the programme.” – Prof Nitin Nitin Pangarkar, Academic Director of the NUS MBA

A warm welcome to our Class of 2025 who come from across 21 nationalities, as they embarked on their transformative journey earlier this week, starting with Orientation.
Explore 50+ electives and 9 specialisations, on top of a multitude of experiential learning opportunities with our new curriculum exploration tool – the NUS MBA Programme Builder!