Philippines | Class of 2019

Louise Reodica

From energy business consulting to management consulting

Pre-MBA Career:

Strategic Planning Specialist

Energy Development Corporation

Renewable Energy

Post-MBA Career:


YCP Solidiance

Advisory Firm (for various industries)

Before embarking on her MBA journey, Louise Reodica from Philippines was seeking to explore new opportunities, expand her network, and gain new learning opportunities.
She figured that pursuing an MBA would boost her career and personal growth tremendously.

How did you take advantage of the learning opportunities to achieve your personal & professional development goals?

I made it a point to get out of my comfort zone and immerse myself in various learning opportunities during my MBA. I took up different electives such as Big Data, Finance, and Global Operations Strategy and I also attended club-initiated talks and networking events. But I think a big a part of my learning came from my peers. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by smart, driven individuals from different parts of the world!

Describe one or two of the most memorable experiences during your MBA journey.

Young Social Entrepreneurs (YSE) by the Singapore International Foundation Young Social Entrepreneurs (YSE) is a programme for aspiring social entrepreneurs within and outside of Singapore. Its objective is to equip the participants with knowledge, skills, network, and funding (for the winning teams). The NUS Social Impact Club volunteered to be mentors for the business clinic, and it involved two sessions of dissecting and improving the teams' business plans. It was a great opportunity to practice what we learned from the MBA and also share them with others.

How useful/impactful was the experiential learning components for you?

I would say that the Launch Your Transformation bootcamp and MBA Consulting Project really defined my MBA experience. The bootcamp was a great start to the programme because it gave me a chance to really get to know my classmates and let them know more about me as well. I made my closest friends there. The MBA Consulting Project on the other hand, allowed me to practice important skills such as project management, market research and client engagement. All these skills are very crucial to my work now.

I made it a point to get out of my comfort zone and immerse myself in various learning opportunities during my MBA. I took up different electives such as Big Data, Finance, and Global Operations Strategy and I also attended club-initiated talks and networking events.