July 20, 2023

Launch of Derwin Pereira MBA Scholarship

With the support of Mr Derwin Pereira, Founder and CEO of Pereira International, NUS Business School is offering a multi-year Derwin Pereira MBA Scholarship to help aspiring students advance in professional development.

The scholarship will be awarded to outstanding students from Singapore and Southeast Asia, with special consideration for those with the financial need, to pursue a full-time Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme at the NUS Business School. The scholarship will enable students to pursue higher education and enhance their academic, business and leadership excellence.

Mr Pereira is a former journalist and a long-time observer of politics in Southeast Asia. Possessing a deep understanding of the region’s dynamics, Mr Pereira recognises the significance of nurturing the next generation of business leaders and fostering their development through education and global networks.

Mr Derwin Pereira said, “I am honoured to have the opportunity to support the MBA scholarships at NUS Business School, one of the top schools in the world, and contribute to the educational aspirations of students from Southeast Asia and especially Singapore. By investing in their future, I hope to empower them to create a positive and lasting impact in their lives and their communities. I am a firm believer that education is a catalyst for change, and am excited to witness the accomplishments of these exceptional students in the years to come.”

Professor Andrew K Rose, Dean of the NUS Business School, welcomes the gift by Mr Pereira, which will encourage more students to pursue their graduate studies. Professor Rose said, “Mr Pereira’s philanthropic gesture reflects his desire to empower individuals from Southeast Asia and promote bilateral relations with Singapore by facilitating their educational journey. The Derwin Pereira MBA Scholarship will equip students with the knowledge and exposure to succeed in the rapidly changing business world. We are proud to be part of this shared commitment, and are grateful for his contribution towards this meaningful initiative.”

Whether you aspire to move from finance to marketing, engineering to entrepreneurship, or any other trajectory, an MBA can be the key to unlocking new horizons and capitalising on emerging opportunities.
A warm welcome to our Class of 2025 who come from across 21 nationalities, as they embarked on their transformative journey earlier this week, starting with Orientation.