June 15, 2023

Touch MBA Podcast: The NUS MBA

In conversation with Touch MBA, Wedad Sunny, Head of Marketing and Admissions of MBA Programmes at NUS Business School, discusses what makes the NUS MBA programme unique, our admissions process, career opportunities, tips for applicants and more. The podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the podcast:

What makes the NUS MBA unique?

We pride ourselves in delivering a programme, an MBA programme that is globally recognised, yet has a strong Asian focus and is highly immersive.

  • Firstly, the NUS MBA offers highly tailored opportunities for our students to grow both professionally and personally. We offer what most schools do not: a fully integrated experiential learning curriculum that includes credit-bearing courses; an entire ecosystem that includes opportunities to work in start-ups, interactions with industry through case competitions, industry networking sessions, conferences, mentorship programmes, internships, international study trips and exchange programmes.
  • Secondly, the unique duration of the programme: 17 months. So we feel this gives our students just the right amount of time to take advantage of the multitude of opportunities available, so they can maximise their personal and professional development. It is shorter than the 2-year programmes, which some believe takes them out of the job market for a bit too long.
  • Thirdly, our strong partnerships with prestigious business schools and networks around the world. This gives our students access to opportunities beyond Singapore, and gain valuable international exposure. For example: We offer double degree programmes with leading partner schools in Asia, Europe, and the US, including Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management, HEC Paris, and the Yale School of Management. We also offer the Global Exchange Programme, our students can choose to spend a full semester at one of our 60+ partner universities – including Kellogg, Yale, LBS, IE, CEIBS and more. We are also the only Global Network for Advanced Management (GNAM) member school from Singapore, and through this our students are able to take part in a host of exciting opportunities, from investment competitions to electives and exchanges.”

Why get an MBA in Singapore and at the National University of Singapore?

“Singapore is really an amalgamation East meets West, it’s a very rich melting pot. It’s so diverse yet very Asian, very cosmopolitan and very modern, so that’s the Singapore brand – it’s very well-connected to the rest of Asia and the rest of the world.

And certainly, that’s the NUS brand as well. We talk about Leading from Asia and that’s in our mission and vision statement. So NUS is very well-placed with rich heritage, relationships and partnerships with the rest of Asia. Singapore is an ideal springboard to the rest of Asia. Its location offers convenient access to the rapidly growing markets in Asia including China, India, and the ASEAN region. We have many regional headquarters that have set up operations here, they are attracted to our open and competitive economy, our infrastructure, our favourable business environment, our connectivity, and vibrant multicultural society. All these leave for a very compelling place to live and work and study for your MBA.

Singapore has also become a very popular hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in Asia, despite our relatively small size it is home to more than 20 unicorns (by the way, 9 of them are NUS-supported start-ups). So we have NUS Enterprise here, which plays a very integral role in a range in providing support in the environment for start-ups.”

Academically, how does NUS stand out?

“We offer many opportunities and resources as well, and just the right amount of time for our students to take advantage of these opportunities to transform themselves personally and professionally.

The NUS MBA offers a holistic and transformative experience, and in recent years, we’ve dialled up our focus on experiential learning even further. And we hear this from a lot of the candidates that we meet and interview for the programme, that they are drawn to this focus on Experiential Learning.

We offer a unique dual core foundation comprises both academic and experiential modules:

  • Typically, our Academic Core equips students with fundamental MBA domain knowledge in the areas of corporate strategy, finance, marketing, operations, analytics, and leadership.
  • Secondly, our Experiential Core (three main courses – Launch Your Transformation, a communications bootcamp, MBA Survival Kit, MBA Consulting Project) takes our students beyond the typical classroom and helps them build qualities that are highly sought after by recruiters: problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork, communication, adaptability, and other interpersonal skills.

And what is also so compelling is that our students also have the flexibility to customise their MBA learning pathways to fit their career aspirations.

  • In recent years, we’ve added exciting specialisations in the areas of Digital Business, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and Analytics & Operations, among others.
  • Students have the flexibility to choose to specialise in one area, or pick a mix and select electives from different specialisation areas according to their desired learning pathways.
  • For example, those who are interested in gaining hands-on experience in a start-up environment, they can opt to do an Experiential Electives such as TechLaunch, Enterprise Development, Frugal Innovation and more.”

What is something you wish people knew about the NUS MBA programme?

“When I speak to students and alumni about the experience here at the NUS MBA, they are all surprised at the diversity they can get on the programme.

Our full-time cohort, for example, while we get the majority of candidates from Asia, they still come from a wide range of backgrounds and industries, from technology, engineering, mining, marketing and consulting and so on.

And they come from a wide range of age as well, because the part-time and full-time cohorts come together to share electives and other activities outside of the classroom. And our part-time cohort is even more diverse in terms of age range. And our students are able to tap into this diversity to enhance their learning. So we provide deliberate opportunity for our students to work in diverse groups and teams, so they can gain as much as possible from this rich exchange of ideas and insights.”

What “fit” qualities are you looking for from MBA applicants?

“Beyond the “fit” qualities that are typically sought after across MBA programmes in general – for example, clear and strong motivation, good communication skills, strong leadership potential, a good career trajectory – there are other “soft” qualities that we look for, for example:

  1. Energy – as our Vice Dean, Jochen Wirtz, always say, you need to have energy in order to move things. We’re looking for students who have the potential to actively advance their learning experience, and actively contribute to the learning experience for the cohort, for example by taking on leadership roles in student clubs.
  2. Resourcefulness – we offer plenty of learning, networking, personal, professional and career development opportunities on the programme. Think of The NUS MBA as a platform which provides you with all of these rich resources, within the programme and within the wider business school and the university ecosystem, and it’s really up to you to connect the dots and actively pursue the right opportunities, and even open doors to new ones.
  3. Curiosity – An MBA education is about exploring new ideas and concepts, asking questions, challenging assumptions, and seeking deeper insights. Curiosity helps students develop and sharpen their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and also helps them stay open-minded, be open to embracing change and develop a growth mindset.”

What makes an applicant jump off the page? Gets you excited to interview them?

“Besides a well-prepared application – that goes without saying, it’s authenticity.

The applicants that stand out from others are those with personal stories about their motivations and aspirations, and they convey a deep reflection of what drives them, their strengths, and their weaknesses, and how they think the NUS MBA can help them become their better future selves.

So authenticity is key there.”

What do applicants need to know about improving their chances of winning scholarships?

“We offer a wide range of merit-based scholarships. We do generally award scholarships to outstanding candidates and it’s not just based on their academic performance, we look at all aspects of their application, including how well they do during the interview, the admissions interview.

We will also look at their motivation and potential to be effective and very important, so one technical thing that some candidates often overlook is their test score – either GMAT, GRE, or EA. It is mandatory for scholarship consideration.

And another point I’d like to highlight is that we also our scholarships on a rolling basis. So it’s quite common for candidates to receive their offer of placement first, and the scholarship is offered at a later stage.”

Tips for applicants to improve their chances of standing out?

“Typically, candidates will look at or focus on their applications – their essays and CVs. It almost becomes like a job interview sometimes, or a job application. But doing an MBA is an opportunity of a lifetime, you do it once. So it really offers you a chance to reflect deeply on the motivations in the future, not just from a career standpoint but also from a personal, contributor to society standpoint.

So at the end of the day, we are looking at candidates who can contribute to the learning community and bring with them rich and diverse perspectives. Candidates should:

  1. Craft a compelling essay: They should clearly articulate their motivations, goals, and how the program aligns with their aspirations. They should demonstrate self-awareness, reflect on past experiences, and convey a strong sense of purpose.
  2. Highlight unique experiences: They could demonstrate how the skills and experiences they’ve acquired can further enrich the diversity and learning experience for the cohort.
  3. Engage with The NUS MBA community: They can attend MBA fairs, information sessions, webinars, connect with current students, alumni and admissions reps through campus visits and networking events to gain first-hand and valuable insights into the programme. This also helps them determine that The NUS MBA is the right fit for them.
Enna Tan, Head of BIZCareers and Nicole Tee, Director of MBA Programmes, share the various career development tools and the unique NUS MBA ecosystem that one can tap on to fulfil their career aspirations.
In the latest rankings, NUS is now ranked 8th in the world and continues to lead 1st in Asia.