
Here’s an overview of the key onboarding dates from now till we welcome you on campus!

Upon acceptance of offer

  • Join Linkedin Group for MBA Intake 2024


  • Indicate your interest in on-campus housing
  • Information on student visa application, medical examination (for student visa)
  • Submit student visa application
  • Medical examination for student visa (full-time international students only)
  • Introduction to MBA Programme Management team
  • Populate form for Student Profile Booklet


  • Submit on-campus accommodation application
  • Submit orientation onboarding form (Tshirt sizes, dietary preferences, preferred name display)
  • Indicate permission in NUS Media Consent Form 2024
  • NUS student enrolment process (Registration Part 1)
  • Receive NUS Email, student ID, access to student intranet
  • Insurance scheme, financial matters available in student intranet


  • MBA module registration
  • English bridging course*: 22 – 26 July 2024
  • NUS pre-admission medical examination (required for ALL FT/PT students, including EP/DP holders)**
  • On-campus completion of student pass formalities (international students only)
  • MBA Orientation: 31 July, 01 & 03 August 2024
  • MBA Photoshoot (part-time MBA students): 31 July 2024
  • MBA Photoshoot (full-time MBA students): 01 August 2024
  • Launch Your Transformation Camp: 05 – 09 August 2024


  • Start of MBA programme: 12 August 2024 – Get ready to spark your transformation!


*Applicable only to nominated students

** Full-time international students will be required to complete BOTH medical examination for student visa, AND NUS pre-admission medical examination.

Onboarding & Orientation Schedule  for Incoming MBAs, Intake August 2023

Your NUS MBA journey kicks off with a series of Onboarding Webinars, before welcoming you at the Orientation on-campus on 31 July 2024.  This is followed by the LYT bootcamp, before you begin your classes on 12 August 2024. Do plan to arrive in time before the start of Orientation. Orientation and LYT are mandatory for both full-time and part-time students.  

Please find the respective schedules below:


Date / Time Programme Venue Who Should Attend
07 May 2024


Full-Time International Student Onboarding

(Recording, Presentation Deck)

Virtual Full-Time International Students
09 May 2024

Full-Time International Student & Family Onboarding

(Recording, Presentation Deck)

Virtual Full-Time International Students with Families
11 June 2024

Full-Time Local Student & Part-Time Student Onboarding Session

(Recording, Presentation Deck)

Virtual Full-Time Local Students & Part-Time Students
25 June 2024

Pre-MBA Orientation Onboarding Session

(By MBA Programmes Office – Recording, Presentation Deck)

Virtual All students
July 2024 Real Estate Specialization Briefing Virtual Students enrolled in Real Estate Specialization*
July 2024 Healthcare Specialization Briefing Virtual  Students enrolled in Healthcare Management Specialization*

* Note: Students must already enroll in these specializations at the point of admission to the MBA programme.


Orientation Week*

Date Time Programme Venue Who Should Attend
31 July 2024
8:00am to 9:00am Registration MRB All Students
9:00am to 1:00pm Welcome by MBA Programmes Office SFAH Auditorium All Students
2:00pm to 6:00pm MBA Club Fiesta MRB All Students
TBC Profile Photo-Taking MRB Part-Time Students
01 August 2024
9:00am to 1:00pm Welcome by BizCareers MRB All Students
TBC Profile Photo-Taking MRB Full-Time Students
03 August 2024
9:00am to 6:00pm Team Building Report at MRB Atrium All Students

*Schedule is tentative


MRB – Mochtar Riady Building at NUS Business School

SFAH – Shaw Foundation Alumni House


Launch Your Transformation (LYT) Bootcamp Week

Date Time Programme Venue Who Should Attend
5 – 9 August 2024

Monday to Friday

8:30am to 6:00pm


Launch Your Transformation Bootcamp

(5  Days)

(TBC) All Students


Notes on Orientation Week 

  1. Full-time students are expected to attend all Orientation activities.
  2. Part-time students must attend
    1. Virtual session on June 2024
    2. Virtual session on June/July 2024 if you are enrolled in Real Estate or Healthcare Management specialization
    3. In-person Orientation on 31 July 2024

You are also strongly encouraged to participate in the other onboarding and orientation activities where schedule permits.

  1. On day 1 (31 July 2024), you will collect a welcome backpack after registration.
  2. The attire from Day 1 and 2 of Orientation Week is smart casual while the attire on Day 3, teambuilding is comfortable sports wear.