October 11, 2022

Shaping the blockchain leaders of tomorrow

Over the years, the NUS MBA programme has cultivated strong partnerships with our corporate partners who are now part of our thriving NUS MBA ecosystem. One of our newer industry partnerships is with Chintai, a Singapore-based fintech company that uses blockchain technology to modernise capital markets. Read on and learn from Chintai Founder and CEO, David Packham, on how such a partnership is helping to shape the blockchain leaders of tomorrow.

Why the NUS Business School?

NUS’s partnership with Chintai is proof of the School’s expertise in blockchain and digital assets. As part of the NUS MBA programme, students have the option to study electives on topics such as Digital Assets and Blockchain in Finance and Inclusive FinTech, while the Blockchain@NUS community aims to delve deeper into blockchain via student-led research and projects.

It’s part of the reason why, in 2021, CoinDesk ranked NUS as the top blockchain school in the world. The list also rates schools based on research output, employment outcomes, and academic reputation. David shares that the school’s reputation for blockchain expertise made the partnership, in his words, “a no-brainer.”

“NUS Business School has one of the world’s top MBA programmes, and what it also has going for it is a focus on blockchain and digital assets. With that said, it was a no-brainer to not only partner with them, but continue to partner with them in the future.”

How will NUS MBA students benefit from the partnership with Chintai?

For now, Chintai’s focus is running a series of expert-led panels at the School, where topics will range from digital assets such as blockchain, compliance, and fintech entrepreneurship. Through these talks, the company is aiming to educate NUS MBA students on the topics that will not only shape the future of digital assets but the global financial system as a whole.

“We’ve set up a series of conversations with the school in which we present a variety of different topics,” explains David. “The one I took part in myself was around digital asset tokenization, which is a really hot topic for students. It’s really about how we’re going to shape the financial system over the next 20-30 years to make it more equitable for the entire world.”

From the perspective of NUS MBA students, these talks are a great opportunity to learn more about one of the hottest and fastest-growing industries in the world. Because of the rapid pace of change in the industry, new niches are appearing all of the time. Students may even be able to identify a new career path for themselves within digital assets.

“We also had a variety of other sessions that covered topics like compliance as well as other disruptive aspects within this. I think all of this is about enabling them to get the most out of the sessions, and when they graduate they’re going to be well-placed to understand what their niche is and what they want to get into,” says David.

“We’re working with NUS Business School to provide educational opportunities for MBA students. We want to really ensure they understand how to get a career out of fintech. For us, partnering with NUS is about making sure we give back.”

While Chintai hopes the partnership will help to establish Singapore as the global blockchain capital, they also believe this investment in NUS MBA students could help them discover the next generation of industry leaders.

“If you look at NUS Business School and the students, we’re in a continuous fight to find the absolute best people with the right maturity and motivation who can contribute to our journey, “ David says. “Eventually, they could potentially form their own companies as well. For us, that opportunity to get involved with NUS early helps us to find future talent too.”

This article is an adapted version of the original article, “Welcome to the top MBA for blockchain in the world” by MBAGRADSCHOOLS.

In our new video series which focuses on the NUS MBA industry partners, we look at the huge role our corporate partners play in helping us develop high-calibre talents and future global business leaders, as well as in the exchange of invaluable expertise, insights and connections. Watch all the videos in this series here.

The NUS MBA programme is now ranked #2 in Asia, and #26 globally in the latest QS Global MBA Rankings 2023.
Greg Unsworth from PwC Singapore shares more about the thinking behind the NUS MBA Consulting Project and what corporates are looking for in our MBA participants.