October 26, 2023
MBA Life

Bridging two worlds: My NUS-PKU MBA journey

By Lim Tern Poh, NUS-PKU MBA Class of 2024

From Dreams to Reality: My Pre-MBA Journey

Before diving into the transformative experience of my NUS-Peking University MBA journey, let’s rewind the clock.

I started my career in a non-technical role, armed with a Bachelor of Management in Finance. I was a Purchasing Manager (Innovation) at Procter & Gamble, where vendors often pitched me the disruptive capabilities of AI. This sparked my interest, and I taught myself coding to change my career direction.

In 2018, I restarted my career as a Senior AI Apprentice at AI Singapore, later becoming an Associate Director in 2021. I moved to an AI Product Manager role at Yoozoo Games the following year. Alongside my job changes, I also earned a Master of Computing (AI) from NUS in May 2022.

Commencement Ceremony, 2022

So yes, I’ve been on a steady path of growth and challenges. But the world keeps changing, and the old descriptors like VUCA don’t quite capture it anymore. We’ve moved into what’s now called BANI—Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, and Incomprehensible. This ongoing shift keeps pushing me to learn more and strive for a positive impact in the world.

Dealing with complex issues in organizations and navigating the impact of politics in business landscapes means that well-rounded leaders are more important than ever. My goal for a wider set of skills and a deeper understanding of global business complexities led me to join the NUS-PKU MBA programme in September 2022.

Bridging Two Worlds: My NUS-PKU MBA Decision

Choosing the NUS-PKU dual degree MBA wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision, but a strategic move aligned with my long-term career goals. This programme uniquely positions me at the crossroads of two rapidly growing economies—China and Southeast Asia.

China is not just an emerging global leader; it’s a juggernaut that some economists predict will eventually outpace the United States. With increasing numbers of Chinese companies setting up international headquarters in Singapore, there’s a growing need for leaders who can navigate both cultures. This is where the NUS-PKU MBA provides a distinct edge, offering an insider’s guide to help Chinese firms understand Southeast Asian markets, and vice versa.

Southeast Asia, too, is a region to watch, with countries like Vietnam and Indonesia boasting young, economically active populations. NUS, situated in Singapore, grants me the advantage of keen insights into this vibrant economic landscape.

It’s not just about market understanding, though. The programme offers an invaluable experience in Singapore’s and Beijing’s thriving tech ecosystem. Networking with a diverse community of alumni and industry insiders is part and parcel of the academic journey.

Attending Developer Conference in Beijing with PKU MBA classmates, 2023

More than just an academic pursuit, the dual MBA is a strategic asset in my quest to become a well-rounded global leader. The faculties at both NUS and PKU provide balanced perspectives that are essential for anyone aspiring to bridge Eastern and Western business philosophies. This dual-network advantage enhances my ability to create real value, offering unique opportunities to engage with technology firms in ways that a single-degree programme simply can’t.

Transformation at NUS MBA

If I had to describe my journey at NUS MBA in one word, ‘transformation’ would not be an exaggeration. While the term may feel overused, it accurately captures the essence of my experience here, living up to NUS’s promise of offering the “most transformative experience.”

Coming from a business background, I already had a customer-centric approach to challenges. However, the NUS MBA expanded my horizons, particularly in understanding the nuanced interplay between technology, business, and intercultural leadership. The faculty, with their unique blend of global and Asia-centric insights, have guided me towards “leading from Asia,” a perspective that is ever more relevant in today’s world.

One of the most enriching aspects of my MBA journey has been my active participation in the NUS MBA Technology and Entrepreneurship Clubs. As a core committee member, I’ve had the opportunity to lead several AI-focused events, including two workshops that bridged the gap between academic theory and practical application. These workshops allowed me to merge my prior expertise in AI with the business skills I’ve been acquiring at NUS. I even had the privilege of moderating a panel discussion featuring seasoned AI experts, providing a nuanced understanding of AI’s role in various industries.

Moderating panel discussions with AI experts at NUS

Apart from the clubs, NUS MBA offers many experiential learning opportunities. For instance, I am currently participating in the Duke-NUS Health Innovator Programme. This cross-faculty module pairs me with medical doctors to innovate and improve patient lives, bringing classroom theories to life.

What truly ties it all together is the community. It’s not just about textbook learning; it’s about learning from diverse peers. This has taught me invaluable skills like intercultural empathy and negotiation—skills essential for anyone aspiring to be part of the new Asian “Ivy League” and make a global impact.

Entrepreneurship and Mentorship: Beyond the MBA Syllabus

Beyond the classroom walls, I find a unique kind of fulfilment in entrepreneurship and mentorship. It’s a field that piques my curiosity and aligns seamlessly with my long-term career aspirations—potentially leading an innovation hub or startup incubator.

As a visiting mentor at Global 500, a venture capitalist and incubator, I’ve had the invaluable opportunity to immerse myself in this dynamic landscape. This role enables me to share my AI strategy expertise with startups, particularly in formulating effective go-to-market strategies in Asia. The tangible impacts I’ve witnessed—be it a successful pivot in strategy or overcoming a business challenge—reaffirm the merit of possessing a multi-disciplinary skill set. These moments are not just rewarding; they echo the positive ripple I aim to instigate in the startup ecosystem.

But mentorship isn’t a one-way street. The experience has proven to be a continual learning journey, pushing my boundaries and enriching my MBA experience. Moreover, this mentorship role has acted like a magnet, attracting other career-enriching opportunities my way. For instance, it led to an invitation to be a lecturer for a masterclass hosted by other venture capitalists—a testament to how opportunities indeed attract opportunities.

Overall, my engagement in mentorship signifies more than just an extracurricular interest. It embodies my growth mindset, my spirit for innovation and showcases my ability to lead in innovative environments—qualities I believe will serve me well in my post-MBA journey.

Accolades and Inspiration

The journey towards intellectual growth and community impact is often punctuated by milestones that serve as affirmations of the past and inspirations for the future. I am deeply humbled and honoured to receive several such milestones during my MBA journey.

Among these are the ASEAN-China Young Leaders Scholarship (ACYLS), a highly prestigious full scholarship awarded by the Chinese government, and the Horizon Scholarship for AY22-23, which recognises the top 1% of students in the business school. Adding to these is the “All-Round Excellence Student Award,” an esteemed recognition in China for students who excel academically and contribute holistically to the community.

These accolades are not merely personal milestones; they reflect my aspiration to act as a bridge between different cultures and business ecosystems. They reaffirm my intellectual capabilities, critical thinking skills, and thought leadership in AI, motivating me to push my boundaries continually.

My expertise in AI has also been recognised by the industry. For instance, I was interviewed by Singapore’s Lianhe Zaobao, a leading Chinese-language newspaper in Singapore known for its comprehensive coverage on both local and international affairs. The interview, published on June 2, 2023, was titled “Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen Successively Release Policies Supporting AI Development,” underlining the significance of my perspective on China’s AI landscape. Furthermore, I was invited to be a keynote speaker on “AI and Preparing for an Exponential Future” by the Student Innovation Society at Peking University as part of their AI-FUSION Series.

These honours fortify my resolve to excel in my MBA programme and make a meaningful impact on the larger community. They serve as compelling forces that drive me towards future endeavours, underlining my commitment to academic excellence and the spirit of innovation and community contribution.

Advice for the Aspiring 

Embarking on an MBA journey, especially a dual-degree programme like the one I chose, is not merely a leap of faith but a calculated move that demands intense commitment. While the following advice stems from my own experience, it’s essential to align these suggestions with your personal goals and circumstances.

Firstly, an MBA is not a hiatus to rest and recharge; it’s a platform to transform yourself. My MBA journey has been more intense than any full-time job I’ve ever had. So, dig deep and understand your motivation for pursuing an MBA. Without a clear understanding, you might find yourself lingering instead of maximising this transformative opportunity.

Networking is not an option; it’s a necessity. Dive into alumni meet-ups, club activities, and cross-border internships from day one. The more varied your interactions, the more enriching your experience will be.

Prepare for diverse perspectives. Whether it’s in teaching methods or business etiquette, expect to encounter views and ideas that challenge your own. Learn to adapt, evolve, and see things from different angles; it will only enrich your journey.

Lastly, enjoy the ride. For many, this could be their last significant academic endeavour. Soak in the culture, forge lifelong friendships, and keep an open mind. This experience is not just about acquiring skills; it’s about expanding your horizons and evolving into a global citizen.

The NUS MBA programme is now ranked #1 in Asia, and #24 globally in the latest QS Global MBA Rankings 2024.
Meet Steve from the Class of 2022 as he reflects on his NUS MBA journey and shares some tips with fellow Indonesians who are considering The NUS MBA.