November 13, 2023
MBA Life

NUS MBA Indonesia Spotlight: Dinda Puspasari

Dinda Puspasari
The NUS MBA Class of 2021
Internal Communications Lead
Golden Agri-Resources, Singapore

Describe what you were doing before embarking on your MBA.

Before my MBA, I had the opportunity to explore two distinct professional paths. Initially, I worked as a Public Relations consultant in a renowned agency, and later transitioned into the entrepreneurial world of the F&B industry in Jakarta, Indonesia. During my time as an entrepreneur, I managed eight small food truck investments and successfully operated a medium-sized restaurant. Additionally, I embarked on the exciting endeavor of collaborating with Michelin-starred chefs from Spain to establish a noteworthy restaurant – a project that came to fruition during my MBA at NUS.

What are you doing now?

I serve as the Internal Communications Lead in the Sustainability and Communications Department of an agribusiness and food industry firm located in Singapore. In this pivotal role, I actively engage in numerous projects that bring me into collaboration with various stakeholders on the ground. These stakeholders include farmers, truck drivers, machine operators, and food researchers. Together, we work towards the implementation of sustainable practices that not only contribute to our environmental goals but also ensure the profitability of our operations.

What was your NUS MBA journey like in terms of the resources and opportunities that you took part in?

These two elective courses have been instrumental in helping me navigate a new industry—Family Business and Sustainability. The company I work for is a significant family business based in Indonesia, and gaining insights into its operations from the perspective of a family-owned enterprise has proven crucial, particularly in my role as the Internal Communications Lead.

In the dynamic landscape of today, sustainability is a paramount concern. There are increasing demands from both the government and customers for businesses to adopt sustainable practices, uphold transparency in reporting results, and adhere to environmentally conscious principles. The Sustainability course equipped me with the knowledge and tools needed to address these challenges effectively.

Additionally, my participation in several case competitions has been invaluable. One such experience led me to Milan, where my team and I presented our analysis of a healthcare project. Despite its divergence from my current role, the conceptual understanding, teamwork, and presentation skills honed through these competitions have proven to be beneficial in shaping my corporate career.

How did the NUS MBA help with your career development?

The NUS MBA has been an instrumental catalyst for my career development, providing a transformative journey that was enriched by a myriad of opportunities and unwavering support. One of the cornerstones of this support was the comprehensive career development platform, BIZCareers. This resource not only connected me with invaluable networking opportunities but also facilitated access to a wide array of job postings and industry insights.

Engaging with various student clubs was another pivotal aspect of my NUS MBA experience. These clubs not only fostered a sense of community but also provided avenues for honing skills and exploring specific areas of interest. Through active participation, I found a supportive network of like-minded peers and mentors who played a crucial role in shaping my career trajectory.

The MBA Consulting Project was also an integral part of the NUS MBA curriculum, offering hands-on experience that seamlessly bridged the gap between theory and practice. The guidance provided by the faculty and industry experts during this project was invaluable, providing practical insights and real-world exposure that significantly contributed to my professional growth.

In essence, the NUS MBA not only equips students with academic excellence but also ensures that they are well-supported in their journey toward career advancement. The combination of BIZCareers, vibrant student clubs, and impactful consulting projects underscores the holistic support system that sets NUS apart and has played a pivotal role in my career development.

Comparing your current self (post-MBA) to your previous self (pre-MBA), in what ways do you feel that you’ve changed?

One of the most significant transformation I’ve experienced is a profound increase in confidence in navigating the intricacies of corporate life. Pre-MBA, while I possessed a solid foundation of knowledge and skills, the MBA programme has been a game-changer in refining and amplifying those attributes.

During my MBA, I was exposed to diverse challenges, engaged with industry experts, and participated in real-world projects. This experiential learning, combined with the academic rigours of the programme, not only expanded my knowledge base but also instilled a newfound confidence in my ability to tackle complex issues and make strategic decisions.

Participating in various presentations, case competitions, and networking events throughout the MBA journey provided me with ample opportunities to hone my communication skills and articulate my ideas with conviction. This, in turn, contributed significantly to my increased confidence in expressing myself in a professional setting.

Moreover, the exposure to a diverse and collaborative environment at the MBA programme played a crucial role. Interacting with peers from different backgrounds, industries, and cultures broadened my perspective and allowed me to adapt seamlessly to various corporate scenarios.

Would you have done your NUS MBA any differently?

I find my NUS MBA journey incredibly rewarding, but if given the chance to do it differently, there are a couple of aspects I would consider. Firstly, I had the opportunity to join short exchange programmes, particularly the one to Japan, which I was excited about. Unfortunately, the global pandemic intervened, and these plans were beyond our control. While it would have been a valuable experience, I recognise that unforeseen circumstances like the pandemic can impact the best-laid plans.

In terms of my focus within the MBA programme, I initially enrolled with the intention of honing my entrepreneurship skills. However, as the programme unfolded, I discovered a passion and aptitude for working in the corporate setting, particularly in the realms of sustainability and communications. If I were to do my NUS MBA differently, I would embrace a more open mindset from the outset, allowing myself to explore a broader range of opportunities. This openness might have led me to discover my affinity for corporate sustainability and communications earlier in the programme, enabling me to tailor my experiences and coursework accordingly.

Nonetheless, I recognise that the journey itself is a crucial part of the learning process. Each decision and realisation have contributed to my growth and understanding of my professional aspirations. While I may have adjusted my approach in hindsight, the unique path I took during my NUS MBA has played a vital role in shaping the professional I am today.

Many MBA aspirants feel that the NUS MBA is academically challenging. What do you think?

I agree that the NUS MBA is academically challenging, and I view this aspect in a positive light. The programme’s rigorous curriculum has been instrumental in pushing me beyond my intellectual boundaries, fostering a deep understanding of business concepts, and honing critical analytical skills.
While the academic challenges are undeniably demanding, they contribute significantly to the programme’s overall value. The diverse range of courses, case studies, and experiential learning opportunities has provided a well-rounded education. This balance is further enriched by the collaborative and dynamic learning environment fostered by NUS.

Moreover, the NUS MBA extends beyond the classroom, offering a holistic experience that encompasses various facets of personal and professional development. Engaging with a diverse cohort, participating in extracurricular activities, and networking with industry leaders have all played crucial roles in shaping a comprehensive educational journey.

As an Indonesian student/alum, what would be your advice to other Indonesians who are considering the NUS MBA?

My advice would be:
Embrace diversity: NUS is known for its diverse and inclusive community. Take full advantage of the opportunities to interact with classmates from various backgrounds, industries, and cultures. Do not only limit yourself to someone from similar backgrounds, because embracing this diversity will provide valuable insights into global perspectives and business practices you never know you need.
Tap into the alumni network: Leverage the extensive NUS alumni network, not only from MBA. I have experienced getting recommendations and support from NUS engineering, sciences, and social sciences alumni. This is what I value the most from NUS. Connect with alumni who share your background or have pursued similar career paths. Their experiences and insights can be invaluable in guiding your career decisions, providing mentorship, and expanding your professional network.
Explore beyond academics: While the academic rigour is essential, don’t limit your experience to the classroom. Engage in extracurricular activities, join student clubs, and participate in events. These experiences offer opportunities to develop leadership skills, build lasting friendships, and enhance your overall MBA journey.
Seize global opportunities: If possible, take advantage of global opportunities, such as exchange programmes or international projects. These experiences can broaden your perspective, enhance your adaptability to different business environments, and build a global mindset—a valuable asset in today’s interconnected business world.
Align your goals: Clearly define your career goals and aspirations before starting the programme. NUS MBA provides a plethora of resources and support for career development, so having a clear direction will help you tailor your MBA experience to align with your professional objectives.
Stay open-minded: Be open to exploring different facets of business and consider how your interests might evolve during the programme. The NUS MBA offers a well-rounded curriculum, and staying open-minded can lead to discovering new passions and career paths.

Do you have any tips or advice to share on the application process, or on getting the most out of the NUS MBA experience?

Here are a few tips on the application process:
Highlight your unique perspective: In your application, emphasise the unique perspective and experiences you bring as an Indonesian student. Showcase how your background can contribute to the diverse and inclusive environment that NUS values. I know sometimes Indonesians tend to shy away from really telling their unique side, but this is something that needs to change.
Craft a compelling personal statement: Use your personal statement to tell a compelling story about your journey, achievements, and aspirations. This is an opportunity to showcase your personality, resilience, and determination. You don’t need to get a perfect GMAT score, or already be in a Director level to be accepted into the programme, but you need to be confident with what you can offer.

And here are a few tips on maximising the NUS MBA experience:
Participate actively in class: Don’t shy away from contributing in class discussions. Your unique perspective as an Indonesian student adds value, and sharing your insights can enrich the overall learning experience for everyone.
Engage in networking opportunities: Attend networking events, both on-campus and virtually. Networking is a powerful tool for building connections, and it’s a skill that can boost your confidence over time. Approach conversations with an open mind, and remember that everyone has something valuable to share.

Meet Steve from the Class of 2022 as he reflects on his NUS MBA journey and shares some tips with fellow Indonesians who are considering The NUS MBA.
Meet Takichiro from the Class of 2021 who shares how The NUS MBA helped with his career development, adding that the exposure to diversity allowed him to gain a more innovative and adaptive approach to business challenges.