August 27, 2024
MBA Life

NUS MBA Class of 2026 – Shakiya Sha

Shakiya Sha

India, Part-Time MBA
Current role: Senior Consultant Software Engineer, Visa Worldwide Pvt Limited

Describe yourself in 15 words or less.
Driven lifelong learner passionate about technology, problem-solving, and creating meaningful connections.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I once attempted a 10km marathon with no prior training, transitioning from running to walking. Though unconventional, the experience taught me resilience and the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone, creating lasting memories and a newfound appreciation for both physical challenges and personal growth.

Share a snapshot of your career highlights & achievements.
Throughout my tenure at Visa, I’ve advanced from Senior Software Engineer to Senior Consultant Software Engineer, demonstrating expertise in pioneering projects and delivering valuable solutions. Notable achievements include leading client engagements, implementing impactful features, and fostering the development of junior talent, all pivotal in Visa’s technological progress and client satisfaction.

Tell us briefly about your family, hobbies and pursuits.
My family consists of my parents, sister, and my spouse. I find joy in listening to music, watching movies, and engaging in continuous learning. I’m dedicated to applying my knowledge in practical settings, always seeking ways to evolve and contribute positively to the world around me.

What are you looking forward to gaining from your journey with The NUS MBA?
From The NUS MBA, I aim to deepen my understanding of global business practices, refine my entrepreneurial skills, and build a strong network of mentors and collaborators. I seek to leverage these experiences to launch and scale a technology-driven venture that addresses societal needs and creates lasting value.

Curious if the NUS MBA is the right fit for you? Hear from Tom Wong (Class of 2024) as he reflects on why he chose the NUS MBA and how it's shaping his career journey.
Meet Ryan Wall from USA, a full-time MBA student. Formerly President of REWIND Building Technology Systems, he aims to blend practical and theoretical business knowledge, seeking authentic relationships and new opportunities.