August 27, 2024
MBA Life

NUS MBA Class of 2026 – Sunjune Kim

Sunjune Kim

South Korea, Full-Time MBA
Pre-MBA role: Director, IMM Investment

Describe yourself in 15 words or less.
Infrastructure investment specialist from Korea aiming to contribute to the better social infrastructure of Asia.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I have been working for 10+ years in Korea with seven years focused on infrastructure investment, especially waste management sector. I can say I have visited at least 30 to 40 waste treatment sites in Korea to grow strong tolerance against diverse smells and noise. Moreover, my strength to overcome difficulties was developed the most when I was dispatched to Lebanon for six months as a UN soldier during my military service.

Share a snapshot of your career highlights & achievements.
The biggest career highlight was being granted the ‘Best M&A Sales Transaction of the Year Award’ from the press for the completion of a US$642 million cross-border sale in 2022. Besides, at IMM, I have also executed US$125 million investment into six waste management companies to build the second largest food waste management group in Korea and spearheaded my company’s first
infrastructure investment in the emerging market. Prior to IMM, I achieved the first nationwide environmental rehabilitation PPP project financing title by completing US$30 million project
financing for wastewater facilities.

Tell us briefly about your family, hobbies and pursuits.
I have a wife and 10-month-old cute baby who are together with me in Singapore. My wife was a big supporter on my journey at NUS MBA. I am a huge football (Arsenal) supporter who enjoys both
playing and watching football. I used to play futsal with my acquaintances every week for fun back in Korea. Moreover, I am a traveler who likes to explore new environments. I have visited more than 30 countries so far and would like to expand this list further at NUS.

What are you looking forward to gaining from your journey with The NUS MBA?
I believe the NUS MBA has a strong Asia-oriented content and community. With my knowledge and experience gained in the Korean infrastructure market, I wanted to dedicate myself to bring enhancements in social infrastructure of Asia. I hope to learn from my cohort and the school in trying to pursue my goal not only from classes but from networking. Who knows, I could even find my longlasting business partner or a sponsor at NUS.

Meet Li Xuan, a part-time MBA student from Singapore. As a Digital Customer Experience Lead at Schneider Electric, she seeks diverse perspectives and leadership growth through The NUS MBA.
Meet Yuka Suzuki from Japan, a full-time MBA student. As a Business Planning Analyst at Brother Industries, her experience working in the UK during the COVID-19 crisis developed her professionally and personally. She aims to develop strategic skills, build connections, and form lifelong friendships during her MBA journey.