August 27, 2024
MBA Life

NUS MBA Class of 2026 – Yuka Suzuki

Yuka Suzuki

Japan, Full-Time MBA
Pre-MBA role: Business Planning Analyst, Brother Industries, Ltd.

Describe yourself in 15 words or less.
I’m people-oriented, eager for new challenges, and driven to solve core issues for everyone’s happiness.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I love to meet new people, and I never hesitate to say hello! On my first business trip, I enjoyed talking with a friendly stranger next to me straight for a seven-hour flight. My boss was so shocked to find that I had got off the plane with my new best friend!

Share a snapshot of your career highlights & achievements.
I transferred to the UK by myself to work at the company’s European Regional Headquarters in March 2020 for three years – the period which was heavily hit by COVID-19. I worked closely with 12 local branches to overcome the difficulties and continued to move the business forward. This experience helped me to develop professionally and personally.

Tell us briefly about your family, hobbies and pursuits.
I came to Singapore with my supportive husband who relocated to Singapore recently. I am a hodophile for domestic or international travel (any recommendation is always welcomed!), a hot spring lover, as well as a foodie. I’m currently thinking about exercising but the hot weather in Singapore makes it a bit challenging!

What are you looking forward to gaining from your journey with The NUS MBA?
Learn from any opportunities available to me. I aim to transform myself to be a business professional with not only comprehensive skills but a deep understanding of strategy and marketing to make a positive impact on society. Also, I want to build a solid network with industry experts and leaders, as well as life-long friendships with my batchmates from diverse backgrounds.

Meet Sunjune Kim from South Korea, a full-time MBA student. An infrastructure investment specialist and former Director at IMM Investment, he has a decade of experience, and aims to leverage his expertise to enhance Asia's social infrastructure while building long-lasting professional relationships.
Meet Margarita Bondarenko from Russia, a full-time MBA student. As a Brand Manager for SC Johnson, she led product launches for a world-leading air freshener brand. She aims to advance her career, expand her network, and discover new opportunities in Singapore.