April 2, 2024
MBA Life

Empowering Healthcare Leadership through the NUS Part-Time MBA

Our latest series aims to provide insight into the National University of Singapore’s (NUS) part-time MBA programme by sharing the experiences of our alumni. These accounts offer a glimpse into how the programme accommodates the diverse needs of our candidates, supporting their journey towards achieving their professional and personal goals.

Alumni Spotlight: Bernice Leong

Although the COVID-19 pandemic is no longer an imminent threat, its complex challenges linger in memory for many. Particularly unforgettable are the remarkable healthcare professionals who continued to serve selflessly amidst the risks. In light of this, we commend Bernice Leong (Class of 2023) for her steadfast dedication to the healthcare sector during this trying period.

As the Assistant Director of Operations at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, she embarked on an MBA journey to advance her professional goals. Bernice’s narrative, characterized by resilience and a deep commitment to healthcare, offers valuable insights for individuals contemplating an MBA. We had the opportunity to speak with Bernice and delve into how The NUS MBA supported her personal and career aspirations.

A Specialised Journey in Healthcare Management

Bernice recounts the challenges of balancing her demanding job with her studies during the pandemic, stating, “It was a very tough time for me. Managing the Emergency Department during the Covid surges tested me significantly.” Transitioning to virtual classes during COVID-19 provided her with the flexibility to maintain her commitments. “This unexpected flexibility enabled me to attend classes either physically or virtually, providing a crucial balance amidst the chaos,” she explains.

Addressing inquiries about managing her studies while on call, Bernice emphasises the importance of proactivity, time management, and a supportive academic environment. “I observed varying degrees of understanding among professors, with some making remarkable efforts to infuse lectures with interest and engagement,” she recalls, appreciating the adaptability demonstrated by The NUS MBA programme during unprecedented times.

She also mentions, “Recognising the need for efficient time management, I requested to undertake additional modules during specific semesters with the help of the Programme Management team.” This was motivated by the need to utilise her accumulated leave before it was forfeited. The flexibility afforded by the programme played a vital role in her ability to balance work and studies. “This flexibility allowed me to synchronise my work commitments with my studies, creating a harmonious balance between the two,” Bernice explains.

Moreover, Bernice emphasizes the intensity and value of her Healthcare specialization, particularly the course on “Management of Healthcare Organizations” taught by Prof. Jason Cheah. “Despite its demanding nature, this course significantly deepened my understanding of the healthcare landscape,” she shares. Through the courses, Bernice enhanced her academic foundation and expanded her professional network. “Engaging with diverse professionals has enriched my perspectives on healthcare challenges,” she notes. Her dedication, along with that of other healthcare professionals who pursue education while fulfilling their duties, serves as an inspiring example. It reflects the possibility of balancing studies with a demanding job within a supportive educational environment.

Realising Aspirations and Advancing Career

Bernice’s journey highlights the immense value an MBA education can bring to a career, especially in critical sectors like healthcare. She graciously shares how The NUS MBA positively influenced her professional trajectory.

“I am grateful for the many connections made through the NUS part-time MBA programme,” Bernice reflects. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, she found ample opportunities to expand her professional network. This reflects the programme’s continued value, even during tough times. Bernice highlights a consulting project for a Digital Therapeutics organization as a pivotal experience. “This project gave me invaluable insights into an emerging industry,” she explains, noting how it sparked her interest in a new area of healthcare.

She acknowledges the challenges in the consulting project, particularly in meeting client expectations and navigating her professor’s guidance. “These challenges improved our team’s problem-solving skills and my ability to handle complex professional situations,” she observes. This practical experience proved to be immediately applicable. “I could apply what I learned directly to my job,” she shares, revealing that this application led to recognition and her subsequent promotion to Assistant Director at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital within six months of completing her MBA.

Looking ahead, Bernice remains dedicated to contributing to Singapore’s healthcare sector. Her commitment to driving positive change in healthcare is palpable, bolstered by the solid foundation provided by the programme.

The NUS part-time MBA gave me the tools, insights, and network I need to pursue this goal confidently.

Bernice’s journey serves as a compelling example for MBA aspirants, illustrating how blending professional experience with focused academic study can lead to transformative results. Her story offers practical lessons and inspiration for those considering an MBA to elevate their careers. If Bernice’s experience sparks your curiosity about how a part-time MBA could fit into your life, we invite you to delve deeper. Explore how The NUS MBA can support your aspirations, just as it did for Bernice, by providing the tools, knowledge, and network needed to make a significant impact in your field.

Applications to the NUS MBA part-time programme is still open, submit your application by 9 May 2024.

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A Demand Manager at Dow and a proud graduate of the Class of 2023, Sing Hng delves into his experiences and how he balanced academic life with the demands of running a start-up.
If you're at a career crossroads and seeking advancement, Amit's story, which illustrates how the NUS MBA can propel professional growth and personal fulfilment, could provide valuable insight.