NUS Part-time MBA alumni spotlight: Nur Hakiima Binte Zainol Abidin
March 25, 2024
MBA Life

Excelling in Tech and Academia with the NUS Part-Time MBA

Our latest series aims to provide insight into the National University of Singapore’s (NUS) part-time MBA programme by sharing the experiences of our alumni. These accounts offer a glimpse into how the programme accommodates the diverse needs of our candidates, supporting their journey towards achieving their professional and personal goals.

Alumni Spotlight: Nur Hakiima Binte Zainol Abidin

Meet Nur Hakiima Binte Zainol Abidin, a Deal Manager at Microsoft and a mother of four. Graduating from the part-time MBA in 2023, she accumulated over 13 years of work experience at Microsoft, progressing from Associate to Manager. As a tech professional, mother, and diversity advocate, Hakiima’s story highlights the challenge of balancing a busy life with education. The NUS part-time MBA’s adaptability has been crucial, enabling her to continue her education without pausing her career.

Join us as we delve into Hakiima’s journey and those of her peers, offering insights into how the NUS part-time MBA facilitates work-life-study balance.

A Balancing Act

Choosing the NUS part-time MBA was a strategic move for Hakiima, aligning perfectly with her ambitions and life’s demands. Her experience addresses a common dilemma: Can one pursue higher education without pausing other essential areas of life?

For Hakiima, the answer lies in the programme’s flexibility. “The part-time MBA allowed me to customise my schedule to fit around my professional and personal commitments,” she explains. This adaptability is crucial for balancing a demanding tech career and family life with academic goals. Her journey demonstrates that achieving this balance is possible and rewarding without compromising career or family time.

Hakiima’s family played a pivotal role throughout her MBA journey, offering unwavering support, encouragement and understanding. “My husband has always supported me in every aspect of life and was instrumental during these two years.” He and the children adapted to ensure minimal interruptions, allowing Hakiima to focus on her studies. “This was also the time I saw my children, especially the older ones, step up in their responsibilities, chipping in with the chores and looking after their younger siblings,” highlighting their collective effort and emotional support during high-stress periods. This reinforced her ability to immerse herself in her studies fully. “Their belief in my abilities and their willingness to make sacrifices has been a cornerstone of my success,” she adds, acknowledging the profound impact of their support on her MBA journey.

In essence, Hakiima’s experience illustrates that even as a busy working mom, balancing family responsibilities with a part-time MBA is entirely within reach.

Flexible Scheduling Makes It Possible

If you’re juggling multiple roles like Hakiima, you may wonder about the flexibility of a part-time MBA programme for busy professionals. Hakiima found her answer in the NUS part-time MBA, which allowed her to blend academic pursuits with demanding work schedules and family commitments seamlessly.

The programme allowed me to tailor my schedule to fit both professional and personal commitments.

This flexibility was essential, enabling her to advance her career and care for her family while pursuing her education. It’s a delicate balance many strive for, and for Hakiima, the programme’s structure was crucial.

Moreover, Hakiima emphasises that her journey was about more than just time management and support networks. The diverse cohort brought together individuals from various backgrounds, providing a rich tapestry of experiences and insights. “We could share strategies for managing our roles, exchange insights, and encourage each other,” she reflects. This sense of community within the MBA programme created a supportive environment that helped her navigate balancing work, study, and life responsibilities.

Networking: Opening New Doors

Before the MBA, Hakiima’s career had been solely within the tech industry at Microsoft. The NUS MBA broadened her network and exposed her to new sectors and perspectives. “It broadened my horizons beyond the tech industry,”, stressing the importance of diverse viewpoints for professional growth. This exposure enriched her career by providing her with a deeper understanding of various issues, which she applied to her advocacy work with greater nuance.

The relationships forged during the MBA have evolved beyond professional ties, becoming sources of support and collaboration. Hakiima underscores their role in her journey, noting, “Whether through shared resources, introductions to key stakeholders, or simply encouragement, the network cultivated during my MBA has been a source of strength.” These connections have guided her career and advocacy efforts, showcasing the enduring value of relationships built in the programme.

Real Impact on Professional and Personal Growth

The NUS part-time MBA significantly enhanced Hakiima’s professional capabilities, particularly in strategic thinking and leadership. “I acquired a diverse set of skills… now I contribute significantly to larger deals for the organisation.” The curriculum equipped her with tools for effective leadership and informed decision-making, demonstrating the direct application of her studies to her role.

Moreover, Hakiima’s adeptness in applying MBA frameworks, financial models, and leadership principles in real-world situations underscores the programme’s practicality. “The ability to effectively leverage the frameworks, financial models and leadership principles in real-world scenarios has been invaluable.”

Hakiima’s journey through the NUS part-time MBA is a compelling example for those contemplating further education alongside professional and personal commitments. Her experience affirms that, with the right MBA programme, integrating studies with life’s other priorities is achievable. If her story intrigues you, it’s worth considering how the NUS part-time MBA aligns with your personal and professional goals.

Feeling inspired? Don’t miss this chance to join the NUS part-time MBA starting August 2024. Applications are open until 9 May 2024.

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If you've been thinking about pursuing a part-time MBA, we're here to help. We've compiled all the information you need about the NUS MBA, your eligibility, the application process and more, to help you make an informed decision.
A Demand Manager at Dow and a proud graduate of the Class of 2023, Sing Hng delves into his experiences and how he balanced academic life with the demands of running a start-up.