March 29, 2024
MBA Life

Driving Sustainability with the NUS Part-Time MBA

Our latest series aims to provide insight into the National University of Singapore’s (NUS) part-time MBA programme by sharing the experiences of our alumni. These accounts offer a glimpse into how the programme accommodates the diverse needs of our candidates, supporting their journey towards achieving their professional and personal goals.

Alumni Spotlight: Ng Sing Hng

Sing Hng is a Demand Manager at Dow and a proud graduate of the NUS MBA Class of 2023. His academic journey is nothing short of impressive, with degrees in Chemical Engineering from NUS and Mechanical Engineering from MIT. But Sing Hng’s story doesn’t stop there. During his MBA, he ventured into sustainability by founding AquaShield Solutions. This innovative venture provides digital water solutions, environmental consulting, and specialised water testing services.

We sat down with Sing Hng to delve into his experiences and how he balanced academic life with the demands of running a start-up.

Learning and Leading in Sustainability 

Sing Hng’s decision to pursue the NUS part-time MBA was a deliberate one, aiming to bridge the realms of sustainability and finance. “Joining the MBA programme, I was stepping into unfamiliar territory with Sustainable Finance. The courses peeled back the layers of how finance intersects with sustainability, revealing opportunities and trends I hadn’t seen before,” he reflects.

Beyond the MBA classroom, Sing Hng utilised the vibrant NUS ecosystem to its fullest. Leveraging the extensive network, he ventured into start-ups, each offering invaluable insights despite varying levels of success. “NUS MBA learning was not limited to the resources of the Business School. I took advantage of the NUS student identity to liaise with Scientists, Engineers, and NUS Enterprise on campus,”  he explains. This interdisciplinary engagement sparked the inception of three sustainability-focused start-up concepts.

With AquaShield Solutions, his third venture, Sing Hng highlights the invaluable contributions of his classmates. “My MBA classmates provided me with valuable inputs for my sustainability start-ups journey,” he emphasises, underscoring the collaborative spirit that propelled his ventures forward from concept to reality. From cooling solar panels to exploring sodium-ion battery technology and addressing global water sustainability, the diverse perspectives and guidance from his peers were instrumental. This enterprise, dedicated to digital water solutions and environmental consulting, epitomises his unwavering commitment to making a tangible impact on sustainability.

For Sing Hng, the professional network cultivated through the MBA clearly opened doors to new industries and opportunities. “The programme connected me with a diverse group of people, all bringing different perspectives and ideas,” he recalls. This network proved indispensable for his start-up development and his professional growth.

Managing Work, Study and Start-ups

Sing Hng found the structure of the NUS part-time MBA to be a perfect fit for his career and personal life demands.  “The part-time MBA allows me to work in my current role and learn new skills simultaneously,” he explains, emphasising the dual benefits of advancing his career while expanding his skill set. This arrangement was crucial for Sing Hng in minimising opportunity costs and effectively managing his financial responsibilities.

The diverse and comprehensive knowledge offered by The NUS MBA played a vital role in complementing Sing Hng’s extensive background in operations. “The education from The NUS MBA opened my eyes to new and alternative ways of working,” he states, acknowledging how the programme broadened his perspectives beyond the familiar confines of his role.

Crucially, the programme’s structure accommodated Sing Hng’s need to balance a demanding job, family responsibilities, and his entrepreneurial aspirations in sustainability. “I managed to complete the MBA in 2 years, which was challenging but achievable,” he shares, attributing his success to the programme’s flexible scheduling and the option to customise his course load each semester.

This adaptability also extended to the academic content, allowing Sing Hng to strategically select modules. “(The) flexibility of module selection aided in my professional growth and transition,” he notes, explaining how he selected courses on areas where he needed improvement instead of those where he already had expertise. This intentional approach enabled him to target areas for skill development, maximizing the MBA’s impact on his career trajectory and entrepreneurial endeavours. Indeed, his strategy offers valuable insight for prospective candidates: viewing an MBA not only as a means of career advancement but also for gaining exposure to new areas outside of one’s current work scope, thus broadening horizons and enhancing capabilities.

Tangible Benefits and Growth

Overall, the NUS part-time MBA has had a significant impact on Sing Hng’s career and personal growth. It equipped him with strategic thinking skills and paved the way for his sustainability initiatives.

The MBA was more than just a course; it was a key driver in my journey towards making a real difference in sustainability.

Most notably, the MBA experience provided him with a clear understanding of his capabilities beyond his current industry. Engaging in an MBA consulting project unrelated to his field instilled in him a newfound confidence in the transferability of his skills. “It showed me that my skills are transferable across industries and that I can adapt quickly to new roles,” he observes.

Additionally, the programme served as a lens through which he gained insights into the latest sustainability trends, a subject close to his heart. “Classroom discussions on sustainability helped me stay abreast of ongoing trends,” he reflects, noting how this knowledge reinforced his dedication to contributing to Dow’s sustainability initiatives. This alignment of his MBA learnings with his professional aspirations underscored the value of the education he received; investing in the MBA was not only justifiable but invaluable.

Interestingly, Sing Hng attributes The NUS MBA to providing a vital break from his daily routine, offering “time for reflection” that fueled his entrepreneurial spirit. “The MBA was an enabler for me to start,” he remarks, crediting the conception and launch of his three start-up ventures to the support and space provided by the programme. This reflective period was not just downtime; it was a productive phase where he could explore and pursue various business ideas.

Sing Hng’s journey shows that The NUS part-time MBA offers a unique opportunity to balance work, life, and study, enabling you to apply new knowledge in real time and explore untapped areas of interest. Let his experience inspire you to take the leap and discover how you can turn your ambitions into accomplishments. We invite you to explore the possibilities our MBA programme can unlock for your future.

Be part of the NUS MBA August 2024 Intake, applications are still open till 9 May 2024.

Apply Now

Meet Nur Hakiima, a Deal Manager at Microsoft and a mother of four. As a tech professional and advocate for diversity, Hakiima's story reflects the challenge of balancing a busy life with further education.
As the Assistant Director of Operations at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Bernice's MBA journey is characterized by resilience and a deep commitment to healthcare, offering valuable insights for individuals contemplating an MBA.