February 24, 2022
MBA Life

The LYT Experience

On 3rd January 2022, the NUS MBA Class of 2023 immersed themselves in our intensive 5-day “Launch Your Transformation” (LYT) boot camp and learned how to build better personal and professional relationships through effective communications.

The LYT boot camp helps our students build vital soft skills that are essential for success in any leadership position – focusing on management communications, conflict resolution, impactful presentation and team management. Students were also challenged through impromptu presentations and conflict simulations to gain practical insight of how situations are to be handled effectively, balancing both relationship and task in professional settings.

Hear from some of them as they share their experiences here!

Amit Samdarshi breaks down what happens during the boot camp as fellow participants share their thoughts on this transformative experience in this video:

Prior to LYT, I believed that high performance and completing tasks were the only way to demonstrate leadership, but I soon realized there is so much more to it than that. What I missed was the need for managers to also be able to influence and inspire. As a leader, I should have a positive impact on my team members, not only to guide them towards the right direction, but also to inspire them to achieve their full potential and build strong long-term relationships with them. – Sunghan Kim

Sunghan Kim adds that the boot camp also allowed him to be aware of the personal characteristics and traits he was oblivious to as well. The honest sharing and discussions with fellow classmates forced him to examine his past behaviour and find ways to improve on his weaknesses. He shares that although he is an introvert and often finds himself closing off when developing personal relationships, he believes that he should overcome this barrier to be come a true leader by being more approachable and having an open mind.

Through the LYT boot camp, Mikito Maruno learned that leadership is different for everyone, and that there is not right answer. He adds that the boot camp was also a safe space for people to make mistakes, and that he is especially grateful to his teammates which consisted of a good mix of full-time and part-time MBA students and who created an environment of high challenge and high support throughout the five days.

I have two key takeaways from LYT. The first one is how to build good relationships with others. As a leader, you need to build good relationships with your team members. I have learned that it is more important to observe their behavior and feelings and give them high quality feedback. I can use this lesson not only at work but also in my private life. The other thing I learned was to look at myself deeply. When I did self-reflection before, I had focused more on my strengths and tried to eliminate my weaknesses as much as possible. However, I learned that everyone has their own weakness, even my classmates who seem to be perfect. No matter how busy I get, I will continue to take time for self-reflection. – Mikito Maruno

Read more of Sunghan’s and Mikito’s reflections in the January 2022 issue of the Echoes newsletter, an NUS MBA student-led publication.

Stretching 6 months from Oct 2021, 110 mentors from 13 countries will be mentoring 167 NUS MBA mentees as part of our mentorship programme this year.