September 15, 2022
MBA Life

The NUS MBA’s P&Q 2022 MBAs To Watch

Our heartiest congratulations to Andrea and Denar from the Class of 2022 who have made it to the Poets & Quants’ 2022 MBAs To Watch list!

Learn more about them in the article below, and read the full P&Q article here.

Andrea Coello Kunz

“A globe-trotting Mexican consultant who continues to learn from great individuals and challenging situations.”

Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico

Fun fact about yourself: I love collecting and sharing fun facts about different topics, like the process that ingredients pass through to get to our plates, the reason a popular character came to be, or the history behind long-standing traditions.

Undergraduate School and Degree: Universidad Iberoamericana – BSc. in Food Engineering

Where was the last place you worked before enrolling in business school?

Deloitte Risk Advisory – Corporate Governance Senior Consultant

Community Work and Leadership Roles in Business School: I have loved supporting the different initiatives. From beach cleaning mornings organized by the school, to fundraisers led by the NUS MBA clubs, I have tried to participate as much as possible to give a little bit back. Even during my internship, I have enrolled in volunteering activities, though most were done virtually due to the pandemic situation.

Which academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of during business school?

My consulting project with an AI company here in Singapore. For me, this project was an opportunity to tackle a real-life challenge with the different sets of skills and knowledge provided by each of my teammates. I cannot say it was easy, but after several meetings and long working hours, we felt confident and proud of what we have achieved together and presented our results and proposals to the company’s CEO. I can’t express the delight… and relief… I felt when the CEO congratulated us, and I even received a message from the company saying that they are currently using some of our proposed features within their product portfolio. The most rewarding part was sharing this achievement with such a hardworking and talented team.

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career?

My biggest accomplishment so far was participating in the development and implementation of a new comprehensive value map, which helps companies to evaluate the maturity level of their operational and corporate governance practices, allowing the identification of critical points to be considered in their journey towards continuous improvement. Even though it was a long journey, with a lot of brainstorming sessions, revisions, and last-minute changes, it was an opportunity to take every single theory, client experience and technical skill to create something new that could provide added value for current and new clients.

Why did you choose the NUS MBA programme?

The most important factor was the global viewpoint that the programme offered, allowing myself to understand the Asian business environment without losing focus of the global perspective.

What was your favorite MBA event or tradition at your business school?

That would have to be the “Launch Your Transformation” bootcamp, as it allowed us to connect with our cohort, particularly our teams and learning partners, as we faced situations that brought us out of our comfort zone. Role-play activities, reflection moments and feedback exercises were just some of the things we did that full week.

What is the biggest myth about your school?

When I chose this school, people told me I would be the only Latin American and would only take classes with people coming from Asian countries… and they were partially right. There were only 2 Latin Americans in our cohort, and more than 70% of the students came from Asian countries. However, I took this as an opportunity to share about my culture and attain the Asian perspective I was looking for in this programme.

What surprised you the most about business school?

When I decided to do an MBA, I was conscious about the different topics and skills I would have to develop during the programme. However, once I started the modules and spoke with my classmates, I’m more aware than ever about how little I really know, how much there’s left for me to develop, and how this was just another step in a never-ending journey.

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list?

First, I want to see if the bridges I built during the MBA can be translated into more tangible outcomes, as I want to participate in one of the many Asia-Latin America business relations that are being forged, strengthening both markets. Secondly, I want to lead a big team and challenge myself even further.

Looking back over your MBA experience, what is the one thing you’d do differently and why?

The one thing I would have done differently is participating as a candidate to become part of the Student Council. I underestimated what I could offer to the cohort as someone coming from an extremely different environment, and thought I needed a deeper understanding of the market and the key players in the region to provide greater value for club members, but I now believe I could have done it… maybe some extra work hours, but it would have been worth it.

Delgernaran Bayar (Denar)

“A German-born Mongolian who have lived in 7 countries. I once failed at a blockchain-based startup.”

Hometown: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Fun fact about yourself: Entered university at age 15 because I skipped 3 years of school.

Undergraduate School and Degree:Hitotsubashi University, Bachelor of Social Sciences (Social Psychology) – Japan

Where was the last place you worked before enrolling in business school?

Irbis Ventures, Founder and Chief Operating Officer

Community Work and Leadership Roles in Business School: I facilitated and streamlined the efforts of most of my groups by capturing everyone’s opinions and suggestions to deliver optimal reports and presentations.

Which academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of during business school?

In our consulting project, the CEO of Visenze respected our team’s efforts and praised our suggestions and findings. Our team worked hard and harmoniously, leveraging each of our unique strengths while encouraging each other to break out of our comfort zones, contacting professionals around the globe for weeks. To deliver our findings, and receiving recognition by the client, was a singularly rewarding feeling.

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career?

My biggest accomplishment in my career is my adaptability which was honed through various work environments and positions around the world. Even though I did not know anything about marketing, after many trials and errors I was able to help the Kobo business in Japan grow from one of the smallest players to being a dominant player in the span of over a year. In Canada, I learned how to code in SQL and was able to improve on a CRM system through a clear reporting system that showed where we could improve in conversion rates. As a business developer working from Singapore, I was able to work on the marketing strategy of Taiwan’s first fully digital bank. As an entrepreneur, I was able to assemble and manage a robust development team in Mongolia and develop the Irbis platform which matches investors and startups.

Why did you choose the NUS MBA programme?

Having lived in Singapore for a few years, I’ve always admired how NUS was able to raise the bar for Asian universities.

What was your favorite MBA event or tradition at your business school?

The Launch Your Transformation module was life changing. It was a great opportunity to deeply engage with my peers and learn something about myself along the way.

What is the biggest myth about your school?

People think that NUS MBA will get you jobs (while obviously meeting the necessary criteria and skill set) at Asian companies. My peers were offered jobs not just at Asian companies, but at firms based and operating all over the world.

What surprised you the most about business school?

The diversity of the community. Everyone has a different story to tell.

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list?

  • Make the business I lead align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Create an environment that leads to personal growth for all employees.

Looking back over your MBA experience, what is the one thing you’d do differently and why?

I originally applied for 2 specializations but ended up a few credits shy for the second. I would have waived some modules to focus more on the second specialization.

We invited three of our NUS MBA graduates to revisit their admissions essays as they share their thoughts and advice on it, and reflect on how the NUS MBA helped them achieve their goals.
The NUS MBA Dean’s Awards are conferred to truly exceptional candidates who shine in many ways – beyond outstanding academic and personal achievements, they demonstrate exemplary leadership and a strong commitment to give back to the MBA community. We speak to Tilla Caveng and Zhu Congtian.