November 14, 2023
MBA Life

NUS MBA Indonesia Spotlight: Takichiro Gondokusumo

Takichiro Gondokusumo
The NUS MBA Class of 2021
Account Director, Gartner, Singapore

Describe what you were doing before embarking on your MBA.

Before starting my MBA journey, I held the position of Business Development and Implementation Manager at a dynamic marketing tech startup based in Indonesia, called Partipost. In this multifaceted role, I functioned as the right-hand person to the COO, spearheading key responsibilities such as driving new business initiatives, overseeing marketing strategies, and leading the sales team. My role extended beyond the conventional boundaries of business development, encompassing a strategic blend of operational management, team leadership, and innovative problem-solving.

What are you doing now?

Currently, I serve as an Account Director at Gartner, a prominent technology research and advisory firm based in Singapore. I specialise in account management and business development.

What was your NUS MBA journey like in terms of the resources and opportunities that you took part in?

While my MBA journey kicked off in the midst of the pandemic, NUS provided a vibrant virtual platform that facilitated meaningful connections among classmates. We kicked off with the initial orientation programme, where I had the pleasure of meeting individuals who have quickly become close friends and companions throughout this journey. Despite the initial online setting, I actively engaged in various activities, notably as a member of the NUS MBA Technology Club and NUS MBA Entrepreneurship Club. This involvement not only expanded my network within the industry, but also exposed me to invaluable insights and perspectives.

One standout aspect was my participation in several case competitions, where theoretical knowledge met real-world application. It was a fantastic avenue to implement classroom learnings and venture into uncharted territories. Additionally, BIZCareers resources played a pivotal role in preparing for my internship. My career coach, Alan Kwa, in particular, guided me through the internship and job hunting process, providing invaluable mentorship that significantly shaped my professional trajectory.

How did the NUS MBA help with your career development?

The BIZCareers team was instrumental in connecting me with relevant job opportunities. Alan not only served as a referral source but also provided personalised guidance, directing me towards resources that he believed would enhance my professional development. This personalised approach significantly contributed to my successful navigation through the maze of career options, ensuring that I not only secured valuable opportunities but also gained the necessary tools and insights for long-term success. The student clubs and the internship experience further enriched my journey, providing hands-on learning and networking opportunities that proved indispensable in my career development.

Comparing your current self (post-MBA) to your previous self (pre-MBA), in what ways do you feel that you’ve changed?

The diversity on the NUS MBA has been transformative for me, especially in the business aspect. Interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds has broadened my perspective significantly. It’s like wearing different lenses as I navigate the business landscape, allowing me to see and understand things from various angles. This exposure to diverse viewpoints has not only enriched my understanding but has also fueled a more innovative and adaptive approach to business challenges.

Would you have done your NUS MBA any differently?

I would have approached my NUS MBA with more active engagement, especially in class discussions. The initial challenges posed by the pandemic may have led to a slow start, but looking back, I see the immense value in actively sharing perspectives and receiving feedback from peers. Despite this, I can confidently say that every aspect of the journey was worthwhile, contributing significantly to my personal and professional growth.

Many MBA aspirants feel that the NUS MBA is academically challenging. What do you think?

While some may find the NUS MBA academically challenging, I personally disagree. The programme, although rigorous, brings a unique blend of challenge and enjoyment. It’s not just about theoretical learning; the emphasis on discussions and case studies allows us to actively apply our knowledge. The delivery of the programme strikes a commendable balance, making the educational experience both enriching and enjoyable.

As an Indonesian student/alum, what would be your advice to other Indonesians who are considering the NUS MBA?

For fellow Indonesians contemplating the NUS MBA, I’d say it’s an excellent platform to connect with a diverse group of individuals. Clarify your goals from the MBA experience, and be genuine in your interactions. While staying true to yourself, embrace an open-minded approach. NUS MBA offers a rich diversity of experiences, and being receptive to diverse perspectives will undoubtedly enhance your journey and make it even more rewarding.

Do you have any tips or advice to share on the application process, or on getting the most out of the NUS MBA experience?

In your application, genuine interest is key. I believe that people will be able to do well in the application process if you really want to be in NUS MBA. Connect with alumni or current students to understand if the NUS MBA aligns with your goals. Once in, be a sponge—absorb and experience everything. Set clear milestones and leverage the rich connections and resources that the NUS MBA offers for a fulfilling journey.

My suggestion would be to connect with alumni or current student to get a deeper understanding of the NUS MBA programme, and see whether it will be a good fit for you. To get the most out of the NUS MBA, don’t limit yourself, just be a sponge, absorb and experience everything. Lastly, set milestones and goals for your MBA, while you leverage the connections and resources on the NUS MBA.

Meet Dinda from the Class of 2021 who shares her journey of transformation with The NUS MBA and some useful tips on the application process and getting the most out of the NUS MBA experience.
Meet Yosephin from the Class of 2021 as she reflects on her journey of transformation and the invaluable lessons in teamwork and leadership that she gained from both within and beyond the classroom.